Tuesday, January 19, 2010

In building the ark, Did he and his sons use nails in some places?

The bible does not say . only that they built it.

there are two ways most prevalent back then . the use of round pegs driven in a hole to keep the parts in place with swelling keeping them swollen and watertight also a tar overlay. or the use of crude handmade nails. we only Know that it was to be made of gopherwood.In building the ark, Did he and his sons use nails in some places?

They used pitch, which is a sticky substance, such as sap derived from trees.

It tells us in the bible, that God told Noah to pitch it within and without with pitch.

I'm sure that it was also hand made tongue and groove type boards.In building the ark, Did he and his sons use nails in some places?
No, but Noah did get drunk and have sex with his son, Ham.

It's all in the bible folks, you can't make this stuff up.

/proud Atheist
i want to say yes, but I have to say... no. they used wooden pegs,as they didn't have the technology to make iron /metal stuff back then.
I'm assuming that you're referring to the ark described in the Bible?

If so, I don't believe that nails are specifically mentioned. All that really means is, there's absolutely no way for us to know.

Why do you ask?

Edit: I noticed that someone said that they didn't have the technology for nails back then, but the Bible inplies that civilization was relatively advanced at that time. Obviously, by advanced, I don't mean that they were anywhere near where we are today, so please, don't take that statment wildly out of context.


Who really knows what exactly he used?

But I do know he used what God told him to use
Yes, a lot of nails of imagination.
yeas , plenty nails on one place
No, they used pop rivets and imagination. Really far fetched imagination.
I didn't know that Noah's sons helped with the art, thought only Noah's built the art?
It never happened,watch National Geographic.
They built the Ark just as God demanded of them, and they listened and survived the flood.
You should know , he sent you to Lowe's with the supply list !!
Read Genesis 6:14-16...It does not mention any nails. coat it with pitch made the ark watertight.

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