Saturday, January 23, 2010

What can i put in place of ferretone so i can cut my ferrets nails?

i dont have ferretone so i dont know what else to use.What can i put in place of ferretone so i can cut my ferrets nails?
you can scruff him so he's limp, just make sure you support his hind end a little. (it doesn't harm them at all.) then you can clip his nails with no problems.

and for the person above, it was the pit in the house that chewed off the toes, not the ferret. news reports later showed that the mom told everyone it was the ferret so the dog wouldn't get put down.What can i put in place of ferretone so i can cut my ferrets nails?
Try doing it while they're sleeping. Let them out to run, wear them out, and once they pass out, trim their nails then. You could also ask someone to hold and pet them (to relax and distract them) while you trim their nails. My one ferret, Sammy, didn't like the ferretone when I first adopted him, so my dad used to hold him while I'd trim his nails. I never had much success with scruffing them to trim their nails and I like to have both hands available when trimming their nails.
I had one ferret that had been abused (well, a couple, actually)... but this one HATED having his nails trimmed. He would literally SCREAM when we tried to do it.

I tried ferretone- didn't work.

I tried scruffing- didn't work.

I tried sneaking up on him napping- worked for 1 nail, and that was it.

So... I tried peanut butter. I know it's not the greatest thing to give a ferret, but you smear a tiny bit on their tummy and they get so into licking it off, they don't notice a thing! I FINALLY got to trim his silly nails.

So when all else fails, try peanut butter! LOL

Good luck! :)
Scruff him. :-) It doesn't hurt or anything, and it makes them motionless.

If you do not know how to just gently grab the skin on the back of their neck. They will yawn and it'll be perfect for you to cut the little cutie's nails. Scruffing is how their mothers used to carry them. It soothes them :]
I don't give mine Ferretone when I trim them. Most of mine are so used to having their nails trimmed that they don't struggle. The ones that do I'll pick them up while their napping and trim them then. By the time they fully wake up - I'm already done!
You probably would have gotten more answers if you had not put this question in the Pet Bird section.

I don't know if they have a section for ferrets, but I believe you might post in under Other Pets.

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